Fullmetal Alchemist was an anime series that ran from 2003 to 2004. In total 51 episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist were aired. With a total of 3 reported filler episodes, Fullmetal Alchemist has a very low filler percentage of 6%.
Set in a fictional universe in which alchemy is one of the most advanced scientific techniques, the story follows the brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric, who are searching for a Philosopher's Stone to restore their bodies after a disastrous failed attempt to bring their mother back to life through alchemy.
(Anime's plot diverges from the Source Material)
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# | Title | Type | Airdate |
1 | Those Who Challenge the Sun | Manga Canon | 2003-10-04 |
2 | Body of the Sanctioned | Manga Canon | 2003-10-11 |
3 | Mother | Manga Canon | 2003-10-18 |
4 | A Forger's Love | Filler | 2003-10-25 |
5 | The Man with the Mechanical Arm | Manga Canon | 2003-11-01 |
6 | The Alchemy Exam | Manga Canon | 2003-11-08 |
7 | Night of the Chimera's Cry | Manga Canon | 2003-11-15 |
8 | The Philosopher's Stone | Anime Canon | 2003-11-22 |
9 | Be Thou for the People | Manga Canon | 2003-11-29 |
10 | The Phantom Thief | Filler | 2003-12-06 |
11 | The Other Brothers Elric: Part 1 | Anime Canon | 2003-12-13 |
12 | The Other Brothers Elric: Part 2 | Anime Canon | 2003-12-20 |
13 | Fullmetal VS Flame | Manga Canon | 2003-12-27 |
14 | Destruction's Right Hand | Manga Canon | 2004-01-10 |
15 | The Ishbal Massacre | Manga Canon | 2004-01-17 |
16 | That Which Is Lost | Anime Canon | 2004-01-24 |
17 | House of the Waiting Family | Manga Canon | 2004-01-31 |
18 | Marcoh's Notes | Manga Canon | 2004-02-07 |
19 | The Truth Behind Truths | Manga Canon | 2004-02-14 |
20 | Soul of the Guardian | Manga Canon | 2004-02-21 |
21 | The Red Glow | Anime Canon | 2004-02-28 |
22 | Created Human | Anime Canon | 2004-03-06 |
23 | Fullmetal Heart | Manga Canon | 2004-03-13 |
24 | Bonding Memories | Anime Canon | 2004-03-20 |
25 | Words of Farewell | Manga Canon | 2004-03-27 |
26 | Her Reason | Manga Canon | 2004-04-03 |
27 | Teacher | Manga Canon | 2004-04-10 |
28 | All is One, One is All | Manga Canon | 2004-04-17 |
29 | The Untainted Child | Anime Canon | 2004-04-24 |
30 | Assault on South Headquarters | Anime Canon | 2004-05-01 |
31 | Sin | Anime Canon | 2004-05-08 |
32 | Dante of the Deep Forest | Anime Canon | 2004-05-15 |
33 | Al, Captured | Manga Canon | 2004-05-29 |
34 | Theory of Avarice | Manga Canon | 2004-06-05 |
35 | Reunion of the Fallen | Anime Canon | 2004-06-12 |
36 | The Sinner Within | Anime Canon | 2004-06-19 |
37 | The Flame Alchemist, The Bachelor Lieutenant & The Mystery of Warehouse 13 | Filler | 2004-06-26 |
38 | With the River's Flow | Anime Canon | 2004-07-03 |
39 | Secret of Ishbal | Anime Canon | 2004-07-10 |
40 | The Scar | Anime Canon | 2004-07-17 |
41 | Holy Mother | Anime Canon | 2004-07-24 |
42 | His Name is Unknown | Anime Canon | 2004-07-24 |
43 | The Stray Dog | Anime Canon | 2004-07-31 |
44 | Hohenheim of Light | Anime Canon | 2004-08-07 |
45 | A Rotted Heart | Anime Canon | 2004-08-21 |
46 | Human Transmutation | Anime Canon | 2004-08-28 |
47 | Sealing the Homunculus | Anime Canon | 2004-09-04 |
48 | Goodbye | Anime Canon | 2004-09-11 |
49 | The Other Side of the Gate | Anime Canon | 2004-09-18 |
50 | Death | Anime Canon | 2004-09-25 |
51 | Laws and Promises | Anime Canon | 2004-10-02 |