
biff45452's picture


Member for
10 years 7 months


One PieceBreaking Through the Siege! The Going Merry Is Recovered!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Pirate Ship Disappears! Fortress Battle, Round #2!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Gold and Waver Recovery Operations!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe One Fell Swoop Plan! Jonathan's Surefire Secret Tactic!July 17, 2014
One PieceFarewell, Marine Fortress! The Last Battle for Escape!July 17, 2014
One Piece Great Adventure in Long Ring Long Land!July 17, 2014
One Piece A Davy Back With the Foxy Pirates!July 17, 2014
One PieceRound 1! One Lap of the Donut Race!July 17, 2014
One PieceSilver Fox Foxy! The Merciless Interference!July 17, 2014
One PieceRound 2! Shoot It Into the Groggy Ring!July 17, 2014
One PieceA Barrage of Red Cards in Groggy Ring!July 17, 2014
One PieceRound 3! The Round-and-Round Roller Race!July 17, 2014
One PieceA Seriously Heated Race! Into the Final Round!July 17, 2014
One PieceScreaming-Hot Bombardment! Pirate Dodgeball!July 17, 2014
One PieceShowdown on the Cliff! Red Light, Green Light!July 17, 2014
One PieceThe Captains Square Off! The Final Combat Round!July 17, 2014
One PieceFull-Blast Slow-Slow Onslaught vs. Invulnerable Luffy!July 17, 2014
One PieceEpic, Heated Combat! The Fateful Final Conclusion!July 17, 2014
One PieceWas It Lost? Stolen? Who Are You?July 17, 2014
One PieceA Mysterious Boy With a Horn and Robin's Deduction!July 17, 2014



Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodThose Who Lurk UndergroundJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodEnvoy From the EastJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodFootsteps of a Comrade-in-ArmsJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodCold FlameJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodThe Arrogant Palm of a Small HumanJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodDeath of the UndyingJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodFather Before the GraveJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodAdvance of the FoolJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodBacks in the DistanceJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodGirl on the BattlefieldJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodInside the BellyJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodDoorway of DarknessJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodReunionJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodInterlude PartyJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodFatherJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodStruggle of the FoolJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodThe Ishvalan War of ExterminationJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodThe 520 Cens PromiseJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodThe Fuhrer's SonJuly 17, 2014
Fullmetal Alchemist: BrotherhoodThe Northern Wall of BriggsJuly 17, 2014
