
biff45452's picture


Member for
10 years 8 months


InuyashaThe Mysterious Light that Guides the SaintJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaKagome's Instinctive ChoiceJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaProtect and Plunder!July 17, 2014
InuyashaThe Cruel Reunion of FateJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaThe Demon Linked with the NetherworldJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaThe Demon Protector of the Sacred Jewel ShardJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaFinal Battle at the Graveside! Sesshomaru vs. InuyashaJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaDestroy Naraku with the Adamant BarrageJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaStampede of the Countless Demon RatsJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaKohaku's Decision and Sango's HeartJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaThe Lucky but Two-Timing ScoundrelJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaMiroku's Past MistakeJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaForever with Lord SesshomaruJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaKohaku, Sango and Kirara: The Secret Flower GardenJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaPossessed by a Parasite: Shippo, Our Worst Enemy!July 17, 2014
InuyashaThe Ultimate Key to Defeating NarakuJuly 17, 2014
InuyashaThe Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard! Part 1July 17, 2014
InuyashaThe Bond Between Them, Use the Sacred Jewel Shard! Part 2July 17, 2014
Great Teacher OnizukaGTO - The Legend BeginsJuly 17, 2014
Great Teacher OnizukaEnter Uchiyamada!July 17, 2014



Case ClosedThe Mystery Writer Disappearance Case (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedA Course Without Protest (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Ryoma Treasure Battle Between Conan and Kid (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Mystery Writer Disappearance Case (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Shooting of the Promotional Video Case (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Naniwa Serial Murder Case (1 Hour Special)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedA Code of Stars and Tobacco (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Shooting of the Promotional Video Case (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedMasked Yaiba Murder CaseJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedA Code of Stars and Tobacco (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedWhat the Floral Clock KnewJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedA Honey Cocktail Murder CaseJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedTime Limit at 3 o'clockJuly 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Guardian of Time's Sword (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Locked Bathroom Murder Case (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedMomotaro Mystery Solving Tour (Part 1)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Guardian of Time's Sword (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Locked Bathroom Murder Case (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedMomotaro Mystery Solving Tour (Part 2)July 17, 2014
Case ClosedThe Crime Scene is a Very Narrow ShopJuly 17, 2014
